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Arrival Time

Arrival Time

Please have your child at school no earlier than 7:15. Students arriving before 7:50 are asked to go to the cafeteria. There will be a staff member monitoring the children from 7:15-7:50. The student's teacher will pick their class up at 7:50 and walk them to the classroom. We start our morning work right when we enter the classroom. The ideal drop off time is 7:40-7:45. Students are considered tardy at 8:00. 


If your child is absent please send his or her teacher an email and CC Jan Peaden at


Alternate dismissal

  • We will dismiss from the building at 2:55.

  • Daycare bus riders: Students are taken by a staff member to their designated vehicles. 

  • Club 360: A club 360 staff member will pick up students from the classroom at dismissal. Students are taken to the cafeteria to be checked in for the afternoon. 

  • Car Pool and walkers: Each teacher will take her remaining students out to the courtyard between the front entrance and the bicycle racks. You may wait on the sidewalk by the railing to pick your child up. No child may leave the class line until the teacher releases them. The remainder of the class will go to their designated line in the front of the school. We will then begin dismissing the remaining students to parents. If your child has an older sibling, the older sibling will come to our line. Please let the teacher know before you leave with your child.

  • Car riders are to be picked up in the front of the school. A carpool sign must be placed on the rearview mirror of the vehicle. Please be sure to move up in the drive-through lane to the "pull up to here" sign. 

  • Students must enter the car from the passenger side. Please stay in your car for safety reasons. A staff member or safety patrol member will open the door and help your child in. 

In the event of inclement weather we will have alternate dismissal. All students will be escorted to the cafeteria by their teachers. 

  • Parents are asked to remain in their cars and come through the drive in front of the building. An Eddins staff member will be out front with a walkie-talkie. They will look at your carpool sign and radio your child's name to a staff member inside the building. Your student will then come outside to you. 

  • If you wish to walk up and get your child, please park in the parking lot and come to the glass door on the south side of the cafeteria. A staff member will meet you at the doors and call your child. Only students and staff will be allowed inside the cafeteria and hallways. 

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